longyuan construction group co., ltd.-ag九游会官网

time : 2021-07-05

aerospace technologyon july 5, it was listed on the science and innovation board of shanghai stock exchange at an issue price of 11.48 yuan / share。 long yuangroupadoptits investment platformhangzhou canyun yingyi investment partnership(以下简称“璨云英翼”)持有aerospace technology,璨云投资持有aerospace technology股份2652.90万股,占总股本比例18.95%为aerospace technology第二大股东。

aerospace technology是一家主要从事航空难变形金属材料环形锻件研发、生产和销售的高新技术企业,histhe r & d and manufacturing technology of complex special-shaped rings such as large aero-engine casing has reached the international advanced level. it is one of the enterprises producing high-pressure turbine casing forgings for the new generation of narrow body passenger aircraft engine leap, and it is also one of the enterprises authorized to manufacture leap engine fan casing forgings.

so far,aerospace technologyobtained53项发明专利,his中包括1项国际发明专利,公司4次获得中国专利优秀奖,公司发明专利数量和质量均处于国内同行业前列。同时,公司还主持编制了3项国家标准,参与编制了7项国家标准,构建了较高的技术壁垒。公司核心技术产品在境内、境外航空发动机市场得到广泛应用,涵盖运载火箭、导弹、燃气轮机等高端装备领域。目前已与美国通用电气(ge)、英国罗罗、法国赛峰、美国霍尼韦尔等国际航空发动机客户签订国际新一代民用航空发动机环锻件产品长期协议,同时参与我国多个预研和在研型号航空发动机环形锻件的同步研制,具备较强的市场先发优势。

from 2018 to 2020, the company achieved operating revenue of rmb 333 million, rmb 589 million and rmb 671 million respectively, with a compound growth rate of 41.95%; the net profit attributable to the parent company reached 24.4092 million yuan, 53.8649 million yuan and 72.6949 million yuan respectively, with a compound growth rate of 72.57%.

long yuangroup对aerospace technology表示热烈的祝贺!wish aerospace development better and better!

aerospace technology成功上市是group积极布局多元化投资收获的丰硕果实,既拓展了group的业务领域,也丰富了group的投资盈利模式。未来long yuangroup将持续提升投资能力,布局优质项目,优化投资管理,激发long yuan生态不断丰富和成长。

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