longyuan construction group co., ltd.-ag九游会官网

time : 2021-01-01

two thousand and twentyit's not an easy year.this year is destined to be unforgettable for the lost lives, the plummeting economy and the interrupted trade.

two thousand and twentyit is also the founding of longyuanfortyanniversary.facing the sudden novel coronavirus pneumonia amidst the winds of change, we are firmly committed to the first step and firmly forward.

endtwo thousand and twentyin the third quarter of twozerozeroeight,the asset scale of the group is close tosix hundred and fiftybillion,the group's net assets exceedone hundred and tenbillion,the group's operating revenue is nearly onezerozero%one hundred and fiftybillion,pppthe accumulated bid amount of the project exceedseight hundred and ninetyonezerozero million.

each achievement is not easy to achieve, which is behind the 4zero years of long yuan people like a day, down-to-earth pay, hard-working persistence.

the new year is here,we usefivegroup keywords,to record this extraordinarytwo thousand and twentyyear!

zeroone anti epidemic


salute the traitor

after the outbreak,twomonthsevenon june one, the longyuan zhenyuan charity fund announced: donationsix hundred万元salute the traitor。不到twoindividualmonth的时间,善款陆续送达上海、宁波、杭州等援鄂医疗队,six hundredzeroa medical maskeighty套北面冲锋衣等物资也被送达anti epidemic前线。善款主要用于近eightyzerothe reward and guarantee of famous medical and nursing personnel. longyuan zhenyuan charitable fund eventually donatedsixthreenine.twomillion yuan, over fulfilled the original promise.


twomontheighteenthe group company announced that the company will be in the form of asset securitization through minmetals-long yuan construction accounts receivable asset support special plan for financing, the total issue size does not exceed rmbeight.zerofivebillion元。募集资金用途主要为支持地方疫情防控,以及偿还金融机构借款、补充公司流动资金。此项计划获得上交所大力支持,并享受绿色审核通道。ninemonthtwoeightjapan, minmetals-longyuan construction accounts receivable support program was successfully established.

longyuan speed

onemonthtwosixafternoonthreethe lishui police skill training base invested by longyuan was identified as the second medical observation point of epidemic situation in lishui city. shortthreewithin two hours, longyuan team completed all the preparatory work. nightninespotthreezero分,第一individual观察对象顺利入住基地。longyuan speed得到了丽水市疫情联防联控领导小组的高度评价。

同心anti epidemic take on the challenge in solidarity

在众志成城,齐心anti epidemic的过程中,全国各地的龙元力量也在默默行动着:天津公司孙红日项目部捐赠山西太原万柏林区华兴街道onezeroten thousand yuan; dongtoupppthe project department donated to dongtou district government and chengfa companytwofivezerozerothe group members responded positively to the call, and each party member submitted thetwoindividualmonth特殊的党费;上房设计院全体党员为anti epidemic行动捐款eightsixsevenfivezeroyuan; group subsidiary dadi steel structure received in one dayonesevensixdonations from employees

zerotwo to bear


new chapter of school enterprise cooperation

sixmonththreelong yuan donated to ningbo universitythreesix hundredto build "longyuan construction finance research institute of ningbo university". this donation has broken through our traditional mode of giving money to help students, and has become a milestone on our road to public welfare education. it opens a new chapter for ningbo entrepreneurs to support the development of ningbo university from "overseas ningbo gang" to "contemporary new ningbo gang".

this year, we continue to strengthen school enterprise cooperation to help the development of education: donation to tsinghua university of public administrationonezerozeroten thousand yuan, donated to zhejiang agriculture and forestry universityonezerozeroten thousand yuan. in addition, we continue to pay attention to poverty-stricken students and subsidize tianzhu countythreezeroa poor studentone4.eightten thousand yuan. long yuan has never stopped contributing to the public welfare of education.

rush to rescue protect the homeland

sevenmontheighteenon the morning of the 1twothsixspot,面对湖北恩施地区暴雨带来的严峻汛情,龙元湖北分公司积极响应恩施州防汛指挥部号召,迅速成立了以党员为骨干的抗洪抢险突击队,全力配合防汛防洪的各项工作,确保人民群众生命财产安全。龙元抗洪抢险突击队展示了龙元党员公而忘私、作风扎实的共产党员本色,凸显了龙元人敢于to bear、为民服务的责任感。

stick to the original intention

two thousand and twentyin, longyuan established the "longyuan charity fund" for xiangshan, which has entered the third yearonethreeyear. sincetwozerozerosevenannual contributionsix hundredsince the establishment of the fund, longyuan has donated to xiangshan county charity association every yearfivezeroten thousand yuan will be used for disaster relief, financial aid and support for the elderly.

all along, longyuan has been passing on love and hope through various channels. this year, wenzhou branch donated moneyfiveten thousand yuan grant, helping jiali county of tibet to carry out love aid activities. hainan branch went to goupo town of ding'an county and carried out a special condolence activity of "helping the poor & walking with love".

zerothree breach


the only private enterprise to participate in the national green development fund

sevenmonthonefivein japan, longyuan, as the only private enterprise, took a stake in the national green development fund jointly established by the ministry of finance, the ministry of ecological environment and shanghai. for a long time, longyuan has actively participated in the development of domestic green environmental protection related undertakings, and the green environmental protection infrastructure projects implemented by the group are more thanone hundred and tenbillion元,承建的多individual项目获国际leedgreen building certification and awards, independent research and developments-systemthe fabricated building product system of steel structure can significantly improve the environmental protection effect of building construction. in the future, the group will work closely with the fund to support the development of domestic green related industries and contribute to the construction of a beautiful china.

new members of longyuan ecology


new action of steel structure assembly business


join hands with new partners

this year, longyuan has gained many like-minded partners on the way forward: it signed a strategic cooperation framework agreement with greentown real estate construction management group co., ltd., and is determined to work hand in hand to build agent construction new model; established citic environmental industry fund with citic environment group to jointly develop investment in environmental protection; established shulan longyuan medical and nursing industry fund with shulan hospital to provide high standard medical and health care services for residents; strategically invested yanlin capital to focus on innovative operation of long-term rental apartments. in the future, we are looking forward to working with more partners to create new sparks.

zero4 harvest


twothreeindividualpppthe project is in operation

two thousand and twenty年,龙元有拓展、创新,也有harvest。今年,龙元共有twothreeindividualppp项目先后驶入运营期,运营板块逐步进入实质运转并实现收益的阶段。首individual中标的pppjinjiang international convention and exhibition center has been put into operation this year. experiencefiveyears of incubation development and accumulation, grouppppthe accumulated bid amount of the project exceedseight hundred and ninetybillion元,项目陆续进入运营期,体现了龙元基建全生命周期的服务能力。

solid work re recognized

this year, longyuan is still recognized by all walks of life. rated"the sixth ningbo top ten most caring donation enterprises". it has won the "magnolia award", the highest honor of engineering quality in shanghai construction industry, the gold award of high quality structural engineering in shanghai, the "green island cup" in hainan province, and the "haihe cup" in tianjinfivezeroitem. continuityonesevenselected as "chinese contractor enterprise" ineighty"strong", continuousone4it was selected as one of the "top tenzero enterprises in zhejiang province" in twozerozero3, and continued to be listed in the "top tenzero enterprises in zhejiang province"oneoneselected as "chinese private enterprise"fivezerozero"strong", continuousoneoneselected in fortune chinafivezerozerostrong it has won nearly tenzero awards.

eightseventhe future is expected

in longyuan, there is always new vitality. this yearsevenmonth,eightsevena vigorous new year's college student is officially employed. in this year's "negative growth" trend of employment,eightseventhe number of new graduates has reached a new high. thiseightsevena new "houlang" is now in the marketonezeroindividual分子公司、项目部任职。他们将在龙元系统的人才培养体系下,努力成长,逐梦前行。他们会与龙元产生怎样的化学反应,让我们共同期待。

zerofive temperature



this year, novel coronavirus pneumonia was successfully achieved by lung yuan.zerodiagnosis,zerosuspected. during the epidemic period, the group headquarters, subsidiary companies and overseas companies contacted and communicated with each other through multiple channels, made every effort to purchase epidemic prevention materials for all employees, and arranged special vehicles to pick up workers for rework;twomonthonetwo日,集团如期复工,云会议、云协同、云办公同时开展,在保障员工生命安全和身体健康前提下,全面做好复工复产。迅速反应、积极统筹,龙元为每一位员工提供了强大而又可靠的guard力量。

ordinary and great

onezeromonthtwofive日晚上,龙元建设横琴星艺文创天地二期项目部李再林在散步时,成功救了一名落水女孩。别人眼里的壮举,他自己却说:“没时间多想,一心想救人。这是龙元项目部上一位普普通通的工人,在他身上,我们看到了一颗真诚朴实的心,感受到了激励人心的、ordinary and great正能量。

colorful activities

这一年,丰富的活动依然为全速前进的龙元spot缀多种色彩。主办第三届cdichina development zone innovation and development conference, participating in china housing expo, hangzhou city expo longyuan continuously helps the development of the industry. theme festival activities, badminton games, interest groups, league building and development, free clinic of traditional chinese medicine longyuan creates a good corporate culture atmosphere for employees and enhances cohesion.

平凡又可爱的龙元人,用顽强、拼搏、guard、有爱,为不平凡的two thousand and twenty年,划上了一individual圆满的句号。



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