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time : 2020-10-31

on october 30, the third cdi china development zone innovation and development conference 2020 (hereinafter referred to as "the third cdi conference") was held in hyatt hotel, shanghai, jointly sponsored by shanghai longyuan tiance enterprise management co., ltd. and longyuan mingcheng investment management (shanghai) co., ltd. nearly a thousand guests from the ministry of commerce, local governments, development zones, enterprises, embassies and consulates of various countries, and agencies in china attended the event online and offline.

cdi china development zone innovation and development conference has been successfully held for two times, which has played a great role in promoting the innovation and development of industrial parks, building the exchange platform of development zones, and promoting the cooperation between government and enterprises. it has become an important conference with large scale, high level and influence in the field of china's development zones. the third cdi conference, drawing on the essence of the previous two sessions, summed up the successful experience of the development and transformation and upgrading of the development zone, deeply analyzed the problems faced in the development and development of the development zones, and built a docking platform for the international cooperation and investment promotion of the development zones, with a higher level and stronger brand effect.

the third sessionfor the first time, the cdi conference adopted the mode of "main forum sub forum, online offline". it set up one opening ceremony, seven professional forums, and launched "china development zone investment promotion live broadcast", covering intelligent manufacturing, new infrastructure, energy conservation and environmental protection, foreign investment, innovation ecology and other fields, with various highlights and full of dry goods.

main forum big names gather and ideas collide

商务部投促进事务局局长刘殿勋,上海市商务委副主任张国华,上海市浙江商会执行会长、中国金融信息中心党委书记、董事长叶国标在大会开幕式上致辞。大会main forum上,原中国商务部部长、中国外商投资企业协会会长陈德铭,英国驻华领事馆贸易使节john edwards (wu qiaowen), deputy director general of foreign investment department of the ministry of commerce, miao keyan, vice president of ibm in china and general manager of cloud computing and understanding software, zhu xiaojin, vice president and chief financial officer of unilever north asia, song xuefeng, deputy general manager and chairman of shenneng energy co., ltd., lai chaohui, president of longyuan construction group, member of party group of department of commerce of guangxi zhuang autonomous region and full-time deputy of free trade office director tan xiuhong gave excellent keynote speeches respectively. the meeting was presided over by wang ping, secretary general of cdi conference and general manager of long yuantian volume.


2020年是极不平凡的一年,在贸易战、新冠疫情、运输隔离、国外疫情爆发等利空信息的影响下,产业发展也受到了一定程度的影响。自第二季度以来,得益于国家及时拿出应对方案,中国的经济、产业正逐步恢复,也率先在全球范围实现了gdp“转正”,呈现出了明显的“复苏”态势。在后疫情时代,国际环境日益复杂,国内竞争渐趋激烈,面对新的经济背景下的新挑战,“如何保持可持续发展能力”成了全国人民共同关心的话题。在今年7月召开的企业家座谈会上,党中央提出了“要逐步形成以国内大循环为主体、国内国际双循环相互促进的新发展格局”,这也为产业的发展指明了方向。 “构建双循环、发展新格局”也正是the third sessioncdi大会的主题。

currenton novel coronavirus pneumonia, the cdi conference was held around the world to discuss the development trend of industrial innovation under the impact of the global new crown pneumonia outbreak. how to actively build a new development pattern based on the major domestic cycle and the double circulation of domestic and international sectors, and actively share the experience of developing and upgrading the development zones, and to promote the accumulation of international innovation resources. further explore cooperation opportunities and build a more extensive and efficient docking platform for international cooperation and investment promotion of the development zone.

lai chaohui is here主旨演讲环节,以《园区创新模式》为题,from中国开发区的发展历程出发,与大家共同探讨了他对于第五代产业园区发展模式的思考。他指出,产业园区已经随着技术创新、产业变革步入了新模式,打造产业生态,实现平台赋能成为常态。政府作为园区发展的主要推动者面临了许多新的挑战,也更加关注产业导入和全生命周期的园区运营能力。

赖朝晖表示,龙元集团始终致力于为开发区提供全生命周期的综合发展服务。作为产业园区运营深度的参与者,龙元集团旗下龙元天册from开发思维向平台思维转变,通过搭建资源赋能、资本赋能、服务赋能和人才赋能四大平台,深深扎根区域产业经济,为区域经济转型和产业经济升级提供"platform empowerment" comprehensively promotes the high-quality development of the park.

highlights of 7 major forums

currentcdi conference has 7 sub forums. the sub forums were held on the themes of "opportunities for innovation and development of development zones brought about by new infrastructure construction", "trends of foreign investment in china under the dual cycle pattern", "intelligent manufacturing innovation under the new global pattern", "innovation of energy conservation and environmental protection industry", "dialogue between zhejiang businessmen and china development zone", "exchange meeting on innovation and development of industrial parks between china and japan" and "guangxi catering exchange meeting".

lai chaohui is herespeech at the sub forum of "dialogue between zhejiang businessmen and china development zone". under the environment of new industrial pattern and new economic situation, the participants had a warm discussion and exchange on how zhejiang merchants could create efficiency and enhance influence for china's development zones through industrial innovation, industrial chain integration, service integration and promotion of endogenous power.

zhang guidong, deputy general manager of longyuan mingcheng, a subsidiary of longyuan group, and xiao guangrui, general manager of mingshu data, were invited to attendforum on innovation and development opportunities of development zones brought by new infrastructure construction. the participants shared how the development zone relied on industrial advantages to seize the development opportunities brought by the "new infrastructure". how to promote the construction of new infrastructure such as 5g, industrial internet and artificial intelligence in the development zone, accelerate the digital transformation of industry, and create a new infrastructure demonstration area and a new highland of economic transformation and upgrading.

fancy business invitation live broadcast"with workshop"

疫情之下,currentcdi大会也与时俱进,创新中国开发区招商模式,为开发区线上招商量身定制的“cdi中国开发区live broadcast间”创新开播。live broadcast间搭建企业投资选址线上直通车,为有意向入驻开发区的企业实现“足不出户,在线选园”。

cdi中国开发区live broadcast间由上海教育电视台主持人赵梦然和cdi大会秘书长、龙元天册总经理王萍担任主播。商务部投资促进事务局电子信息产业部主任黄庆红空降live broadcast间助力打call。首场live broadcast共吸引到近10万人次围观,共收获39.6万本场点赞。

除了带来诚意十足的限时特惠招商大礼包,首场live broadcast亮相的四个园区和政府领导还给live broadcast间的粉丝们送上了各地的特产作为小福利。为了地方产业发展、招引优质企业,他们使出浑身解数,各出奇招。福安市副市长林铃顺在live broadcast间泡起了坦洋工夫茶,中国(广西)自由贸易试验区钦州港片区招商服务中心副主任徐超然在live broadcast间唱起了山歌,泗洪绿色智能装备产业园副总经理王敏生带着他的团队在live broadcast间打起了快板。值得一提的是,王敏生现场带来的60000 square meters of high-quality factory buildings were robbed by 10 enterprises in 5 seconds.

with the support of international policies, park economy has become the main booster of china's economic development. now, it is“十四五”规划的关键时期,也是园区经济迈向新高度、开启新征程的关键期。为进一步服务好各大开发区,争取在“十四五”的开局之年,打好园区经济高质量发展“第一枪”,在闭幕式上,cdi大会宣布成立“cdi投资服务中心”,搭建永不落幕的对接平台,依托大数据与人工智能技术,为企业提供选址直通车服务,搭建园区招商直通车,用实际行动助力中国制造。此外,cdi中国开发区live broadcast间后续也将定期组织全国各开发区开展招商专场,为开发区厂房带货,为企业争取入住优惠和福利,搭建招商直通车,用实际行动助力中国制造。

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